TEVEL-6 | 2024-7-16 03:04Z | BG7QIW | PM01

TEVEL-7 | 2024-7-20 14:49Z | BI7AWD | OL67

Image 1 Image 2


发射信息:2022年1月13日 | Falcon 9(猎鹰9号)

转发器信息:↓145.970 MHz | ↑436.400 MHz

以色列 Tevel 是一项由八颗相同的立方体卫星组成的飞行任务,这些卫星由赫兹利亚科学中心(HSC)空间实验室的中学生开发和建造。它们按照 1U 立方体卫星标准建造。 调频业余无线电转发器是唯一的有效载荷。所有八颗卫星的频率相同,因此只要卫星的足迹重叠,就只能启动一个调频转发器。这些卫星由以色列不同地区的八所学校建造。

The Israeli Tevel is a mission with eight identical CubeSats developed and built by students of secondary schools at the Space Laboratory of the Herzliya Science Centre (HSC). They are built to the 1U CubeSat standard. The FM amateur radio transponder is the only payload. All eight satellites will have the same frequencies, so as long as the footprints are overlapping, only one FM transponder will be activated. The satellites were built by eight schools in different parts of Israel.

Hello All,

TEVEL-7 FM transponder has been activated, starting from today 19.07.24 20:25U for 72 hours.

This is probably the last transponder operation of the TEVEL satellites. We need the beacon transmissions for some student projects.


David 4X1DG

Hi All

TEVEL-5and 6 were removed from the keplerian elements lists.

I guess that that means a reentry event.

David 4X1DG